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Keeping It Real At All Cost

The trilogy stops here..Please be careful and strap on your seatbelt as you prepare to ride chapter after chapter. These chapters will introduce you to new characters that were just sitting on the side waiting for showtime.You are about to see that finding true love is not always a walk in the park sometimes it’s a random shot in the dark.

Love seems to play hide and seek a lot in the pages of these books sometimes just like real life starting here and ending there. Just like Cupid pulling back that arrow in the bow…Now where it lands only time and you will know.

Those bonds and relationships that you thought were so unbreakable no matter how hard they tried. All of a sudden your world is shattered you’re disrespected and left alone to sit and cry.

In the beginning you were forced to”Separate Realities” in other words you needed to see”The Realities Of It All Crystal clear right before your eyes. Honestly I believe with my whole heart that that each and every character that you’ve come to know and love have all played a major part through this series letting you know exactly who’s the Boss by “Keeping It Real At All Cost” Warning: Please watch your step as you exit the ride.

(Sneak insight Book 3 coming soon)

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