
A concrete vision made into reality

You can Do It…

Hopefully, along with your determination and passion, this will be the final push that you need to get started to become great. I am so glad that I didn’t wait to be great to get started.No, instead, I got started in order to become great. The title of becoming a published author was not on my top ten list. Suddenly a tiny voice said: You can do it”I was still pushing my manuscript aside and constantly wanting to increase my bottom line never focusing on what I already had in my possession. One day while in a frustrated mode I decided to read over my manuscript and suddenly bells and whistles began to explode inside my brain. This was in 2018 I began putting in time adding chapters and getting it done.

Please don’t think that I remained true to the game because I did not. I’m telling you all these things because of pitfalls and getting sidetracked all help to make or break your journey. Thank God I have never been a “Hater” instead I rejoiced in reading the success stories of others from losing weight without surgery and making natural. products(aromatherapy). I didn’t pay attention that their stories including the success it was actually my untold truth. My oldest son who reads and also watches motivational speakers to jump-start his day sent me a Youtube video about the Hustle of Teri Wood and the rest is history. Once again the laptop started moving and I did not stop until October 24th, 2019 and that was because finally the manuscript all twenty-six chapters was finally finished.

This is going to be a three-part Blog. I want to just remind you that we have so many treasures wrapped up in our pleasures. Once again the only person stopping you is you. Decide today that you’re passion deserves to be explored and presented to the world. It’s okay to start small until you feel comfortable and increase your audiences you go bottom line..You Can Do It!

You can Do It… Read More »

All You Need Is Faith

After being asked repeatedly how in the world can you do all these things. Well, long story short it’s nothing magical about me. However, there is a little seed of faith buried down deep inside of us all. However, it’s up to us to allow that seed to surface. Start small get a journal write notes keep it updated and the more you began to believe in yourself. the more your faith will grow and start to take shape. Depending on what area your interest is in you can begin your research. Remember every star or great person has a role model or prior examples that were used as a foundation to build on. Now that you are armed with a few creative steps you can begin watering that small seed of faith that will begin to grow and flourish right before your eyes.

All You Need Is Faith Read More »